Jillian 5 month
Monday, October 25, 2010
Jillian is back as the cutest cow this Halloween! We took a trip to the pumpkin patch with the usual entourage of Jillian (2 grandma, grandpa, uncle and of course mommy and daddy). It's a big family affair whenever I have a fun day with Jillie. She was much happier baby this time (did not cry once with 3 outfit changes! Impressive) and she had few tricks up her sleeve this time. She can roll over all by herself!!! (but only toward the right side.. we'll have to work on the other side). Hope she has fun on her 1st "Trick or Treat" outing.
Every year from the beginning of the summer to mid-fall, Providence has this amazing event called Waterfire. On the man-made canal that flows at the foot of the hill where Brown & RISD sit and marks the beginning of downtown Providence, you will find bonfires blazing on the water, dramatic orchestral music rising above the dreamlike scene from some unknown corner, men rowing gondolas and singing songs, delicious food from the local vendors, it just goes on and on and on. Everyone should definitely check it out and mark your calendar for next summer trip!
There was a huge Anime Festival at the Javits Center couple of weeks ago. I went to check it out in hopes of photographing some interesting cosplay. And yes there were plenty of people dressed as their favorite characters. Although it was few weeks earlier than Halloween these guys went all out. This is a serious matter (and a fun one too!) to them and it was very entertaining watching them for few hours.
Apple Picking
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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